Frozen Cauliflower from China???

This afternoon my wife returned from food shopping, and mentioned that at the “Tops Friendly Supermarket” here in the Rochester, NY area, she had picked up a bag of frozen cauliflower,  looked at the country of origin, and was shocked, “shocked I say”, to see that it came from CHINA!

What the heck???

She had been expecting either the USA, or Mexico, or  possibly Central America, or maybe even the Philippines, but this was completely unexpected.

She put down the bag from China, and drove over to the nearby Wegman’s store and got a bag of frozen cauliflower – it came from Guatemala, and that was perfectly acceptable, as expected – and we had some for dinner tonight.

If the Chinese are willing to poison their own children (i.e. the tainted milk scandals), sicken their neighbors,  recycle garbage & sewer cooking oil (gutter oil scandal),  what do you think they would be willing to do to us evil USA capitalists, whom they see as global rivals and likely potential enemies in a war in the next 10 years?

Now while this Chinese cauliflower is probably okay, why would anyone want to risk it for themselves or their family, given their recent history of food tainting and adulteration?

So here’s a word of caution – check the “Country of Origin” of any frozen or other packaged food that is not fresh and grown or raised in the USA.

An ounce of prevention …… jes’ sayin’ is all ….

Here’s to good ole ‘murrican food made in the USA, and God Bless our Farmers!


Explore posts in the same categories: Chinese products, Economics, Food Safety, Tainted Food

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