Archive for the ‘Government spending’ category

Mort baby, what were you thinking?

July 15, 2009

On this Bastille Day of all days, Mort Zuckerman had a piece printed in the Wall St. Journal that sounds way too much like real truth-telling:
        The Economy is Even Worse Than You Think!

He starts with the fact that the length of time the average person is unemployed is now longer than it has ever been, since measurements began in 1945, and he goes on to chronicle a laundry list of bad economic news items that have received little notice from Obama’s cheerleaders in the press corps and the TV nightly news programs.

Unfortunately, Mort takes a very different lesson from all of these carefully researched facts than I do. Mort thinks we need “STIMULUS PACKAGE II – THE RETURN OF THE WISE AND NOBLE CONGRESS!” (more…)

A Thoroughly Musical Ford

June 16, 2009

Check this out –
        Making a musical Ford

Kim Komando wrote about this in early March, 2009 – I don’t know where or
when this ad actually aired, but it is incredibly ingenious – and it had to take
a ton of time and money to put it all together.

First Ford refused bail-out money.
Second, they didn’t go bankrupt.
Third, they are increasing market share and maybe increasing production, in the
spirit of the original Henry Ford.
Fourth: They put out the bucks for an ad like that!

This is definitely the kind of spirit and thinking that once defined America – and we need to foster that attitude and encourage such enterprise again.
(btw – it appears the ad was made in London, England …)

We’ve been a mostly GM and Dodge family for the past 25 years, but now I’m starting to think that maybe Ford really does have a better idea …….

Here’s Kim’s original article:
        Kim Komando: Ode to a Ford

[Thanks to Tom for putting this in front of my eyes.]

Obama, the Smart Shopper!

April 22, 2009

Although various politicians have denigrated the citizens
who actively participated in the April 15th “Tea Party” protests
as fringe elements or an “unhinged mob”, the majority of
Americans supported the protests
, while the mainstream media
outlets gave it sparse notice, and were often quite disparaging.

Not surprisingly, President Obama took notice, and in his first
full cabinet meeting, he announced that the government agencies and
departments were going to cut $100 million dollars in government
spending (from the $4 trillion planned for this year!!).

Here’s another way to look at it. If you had 40,000 piles of money,
each with enough hundred and thousand dollar bills to make a
pile of $100 million dollars, you would be looking at $4 trillion dollars
(and you could proudly say to everyone – put it on my tab!!!). (more…)