Posted tagged ‘Music’

A Thoroughly Musical Ford

June 16, 2009

Check this out –
        Making a musical Ford

Kim Komando wrote about this in early March, 2009 – I don’t know where or
when this ad actually aired, but it is incredibly ingenious – and it had to take
a ton of time and money to put it all together.

First Ford refused bail-out money.
Second, they didn’t go bankrupt.
Third, they are increasing market share and maybe increasing production, in the
spirit of the original Henry Ford.
Fourth: They put out the bucks for an ad like that!

This is definitely the kind of spirit and thinking that once defined America – and we need to foster that attitude and encourage such enterprise again.
(btw – it appears the ad was made in London, England …)

We’ve been a mostly GM and Dodge family for the past 25 years, but now I’m starting to think that maybe Ford really does have a better idea …….

Here’s Kim’s original article:
        Kim Komando: Ode to a Ford

[Thanks to Tom for putting this in front of my eyes.]